

The Covid-19 epidemic was raging with increasingly complicated developments. Making the current business extremely stressful and difficult. Although Covid-19 has not destroyed your lungs, it has been destroying your pocket and your family. In order for the business to recover after June 2020, it is advisable to start researching and learning to run Google ads. Google advertising is extremely effective but must know how, you must understand to find your own "secret".

?Google adwords: 6 secret steps make you successs

?. Creat an Google ads account: 

?. Add payment method into your Google ads account

?.Optimize Adrank ad position (Adrank = Quality Score x Ad bid)

    Adrank cua ban cang cao ⬌ kha nang ban xuat hien o TOP dau cang lon. Co 2 cach tang Adrank theo thu tu uu tien:

    ● High quality voice chat: Good quality chat, you need to be good at 2 things to love: TOP is tough. There are 2 ways to increase Adrank according to the income tax 

         + The site must be SEO-friendly and must be related to advertising quickly: The title must be an opt-in program, Google Adwords; The license key in the website must be changed to SEO, the plugin version should work; The translation page must have been created by the site to allow customers not to wait; The content should have 800 pages of adhesive time on your site

         +Optical advertising Google Adwords must be attractive: In the case of high-tech optics; Headlines are not available; The document has no numbers to stimulate customers to enter; Phan mo ta ngon gon, fight with each other with pain - cuc ky de see.

     ●  Increase ad bid

   (Nen uu tien tang diem chat luong cua quang cao vi neu ban Tang gia thau quang cao, dong nghia so tien ban tra cho Google khi quang cao se nhieu len ⬌ Chi phi cua ban tang len la dieu minh khong mong muon.)

?. If you see a high quality chat feature, if you have a high cost ⬌  you should check it out for Google when it is high

?. Learn about basic keyword matching

 Keyword matching is a trick that the Google word itself gives you absolutely free. There are 3 types of practice books 

     ● Phrase Books: is that you want customers to search in the correct keyword order for ads to appear 

     ● For expanded books: customers can reverse the keyword position, add terms behind or in front, your ad will appear


Exact match: You want customers to search for EXACTLY keywords so your ads will appear.

?. Remarketing on Google

70% of customers will pass your product right away in the first place. They will buy the product on the 2nd, 2nd and 3rd installment, see the 4th collection to see the product. Why are you so worried? Vi: The customer needs to ask if your friend is concerned about your product; they haven't made any money since; They need to find out more about your life; ... So, life is not passed through these people. They are customers who also provide money.


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